Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The American Scene- By Way of Introduction

The American Scene is an indie/pop-punk band from Berkley and they stole my heart with this album. They released their debut full-length on Pure Noise Records this past March. It doesn't take much to write a break-up album, but it takes a lot to write one with such conviction and positive energy. RIYL Jimmy Eat World, Mansions, or The Starting Line.
The American Scene has everything a band needs- a GREAT vocalist, catchy music, and awesome lyrics. I'm not even kidding, I would rank these lyrics up there with Soupy and Justin Pierre. That good.
The short opening track, "By Way of Introduction" grabs me right away with the catchy guitar lines and captivating lyrics. It's a great introduction and lays out what you're in for- a strong emotional album with great musicianship.
"Did You Hear About Your Friends in California?" is such a great song. Not only is it catchy, it's talented. Every single guy knows exactly what he's doing and is always perfect on his part. Not to mention-
"But I could never change the way you make me feel. I'd rather bury myself alive than watch you bury yourself in someone else's wasted time, cause we were never wasting time." Love it.
The American Scene has powerful vocals, high-hat heavy rhythm, and the guitar/bass lines are so incredibly addictive.
"Killed off the Second Act" reminds me of Mayday Parade, and I mean that in a good way. I think most 21 year olds can connect with this song to the extreme- at a risk of sounding dramatic, TAS sounded kickass. This is probably one of my favorite songs on the record.
Side note- the album is exactly 31:31. That's so cool. I wonder if it was on purpose.
"Home" is a little bit more upbeat than the rest of the tracks, and it's a great song. Super catchy.
Songs like "Marty McFly, Nostradamus, and I" show off the ability to screw around with tempo and dynamics while still making it sound easy... Bravo.
This is probably one of the best pop punk records of 2011, and I mean that. Go buy it. Every single song is awesome.


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